Deezer not playing

Okay at least its good to know that this seems to be somewhat consistent :slight_smile: Do you have a Google Cast device in your network? I was thinking if that could make the difference…

No google cast device, so you should be fine. Now I get a new error, jquery is not define… If they are using jquery, I 'd rather stop using this API, it sucks big time. Do you get the same error ?

Yes, you are right i’m seeing this message now as well. I added JQuery to a test page and then the message disappears and we are back to “TypeError: Cannot read property ‘dataset’ of null” At least something changed. Maybe they are working on it. Unfortunately this SDK seems to be abandoned with hardly any maintenance performed. Did you try to contact them already?

There must be something different in Firefox… i wonder what that could be.

Oh, I had to sign up to twitter, and my phone died, will do this asap, worst case scenario, i’ll step by their office

Awesome :slight_smile: Let me know if you figure something out or if i can be of any help.

Well, it s been back for a while, but today no luck, not working in both firefox and chrome. How is it for you ?

Thanks for getting back… i actually removed the integration. I have the impression they do no longer care about that SDK. You might want to look into Youtube Music.

Those 30s previews of the songs were really useful for what I’m doing with my friends (listening parties, we used 30s previews as recaps of what we’ve listened to). Shame. :frowning:

Yes you are right it was really nice as long as it worked. I will monitor their SDK and if there is a chance I’ll bring the integration back.