Is there any way to get rid of the suggested youtube videos?

I’m rather new to this site and I noticed the suggested youtube videos are very distracting while I’m trying to watch something with my friends. Since the fullscreen has no chat options, I’m stuck with the distracting clutter that is the suggested videos.

Is there any way to get rid of this?

Thanks in advance!

Do you mean the suggestions which are displayed within the player?

I think he means the ones located under the player.

I would also like control of this feature, and maybe also an option to resize the player smaller and moved to the left side so I can fit webcams of users to the right of the player rather than on top of playlist and/or chat

i mean the ones under the player!

yes you’re on the nose. they’re really distracting, eh

Not by default, to my knowledge. If you have a stylesheet extension (I suggest Stylus), I actually wrote a quick hack for this.

Just download the chrome extension image blocker and turn it on. Problem solved :slight_smile:

I guys, i appreciate your conversation. Please keep in mind that the related videos are actually the search results. So whatever you block there will affect your ability to select videos for the room!

@user_6f50a123d0db501 @user_d86862ed802316c thank you both so much, both of these are extremely helpful!!!

Suggestion - if you copy the specific link from youtube/site then paste the link for the video into the search bar (instead of typing in search words) then only that video will show. No suggested videos

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I just paste any email address in the search bar which is not used on YouTube and see… all video-suggestions below the player are gone… and you can stilll search for any YouTube videos whenever you need to… you do not block by this any search ability :ok_hand:

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I’m having problems with this as well. I’ve pasted a playlist and only see the videos on that playlist below the player but others accessing the room see all sorts of random suggested videos. How can we remove these?

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Hi Florian and users. Great platform.

Related to the list of suggested YouTube videos under the screen. I don’t mind the list, but when I click on one of the suggested videos, it opens in YouTube proper, not the W2G screen. What if I’d like to watch said suggested video with my friends on W2G? I guess I can always copy the URL from YouTube and paste it in W2G window at the top–but wouldn’t it be a lot simpler and intuitive if it played immediately in W2G?

Thanks for the hard work, especially in these challenging time when people crave togetherness.


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Hi Thierry, on what kind of device with which browser are you using Watch2Gether? Search results should always open in Watch2Gether itself so there must something wrong…

same problem here - have you found a solution meanwhile?
would be great!

We will release a solution for this tomorrow. Stay tuned…

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There is now an option to turn off suggested video in the room moderation settings. Available for +PLUS users.


That’s great - BIG thanks for that!!!

I’m afraid the suggested videos will be the last straw for me. I won’t use this product if everyone I invite has to see them. It’s not attractive and lessons the value of this product. If I can’t find a way to block that section of the page I won’t use the application.

You actually can disable them as a PLUS member. Open the site settings (top right) scroll down and select “Turn off suggested Videos”.